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Repair Bolt
Projectile Speed
Repairs a single friendly target.
Repair Bolt is a repairing item that repairs a single target, shooting similarly to Tesla Bolt. Before the 4.0 update, it received its talents from Feelix's talent tree. Repair Bolt also has the ability to remove the stun and frost effects when item training is level 5 and 14 respectively.
The Repair Bolt should be used to heal a target that has dangerously low health. Also, it should not be used as a tool to heal friendly ships from far away, this just makes it harder to heal them. Trust me, don't do it, you're better off coming near your target so that the chances of you missing are lowered.
The Repair Bolt can be blocked by unfriends, again, don't use this like a sniper rifle.
A good Fixer should have 1 or more Repair Bolts, this will allow you to save your teammate from danger by instantly bringing up their health from really low to enough to survive one more shot.