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Gatling Gun
Slot Red1
Cooldown 10s
Range 25
Projectile Speed 38.5
Description A rapid fire cannon, shooting multiple projectiles in fast succession.

Gatling Gun is a point damage weapon with a medium cooldown. It fires fifteen projectiles in fast succession per round. There's A global cooldown after using Gatling Gun.

Before the 4.0 update, Gatling Gun received a majority of its talents from Swift.

Perks[ | ]

The following perks are exclusive to Gatling Gun:

Gatling Gun Damage
Uncommon +3%
Rare +?%
Epic +?%
Gatling Gun Fire Damage
Uncommon +4.5%
Rare +?%
Epic +12%

The following event perks are exclusive to Gatling Gun:

"Reach" Gatling Gun Damage
Uncommon +?% more damage, +?% more range
Rare +?% more damage, +?% more range
Epic +?% more damage, +?% more range
Legendary +8% more damage, +12% more range
Event Introduced In Crazy Gatling! - September 7 - 14, 2018
"Speedy" Gatling Gun Fire Damage
Uncommon +?% more damage to burning enemies, +?% projectile speed
Rare +?% more damage to burning enemies, +?% projectile speed
Epic +?% more damage to burning enemies, +?% projectile speed
Legendary +12% more damage to burning enemies, +13% projectile speed
Event Introduced In Crazy Gatling! - September 7 - 14, 2018
"Speedy" Gatling Gun Damage
Uncommon +?% more damage, +?% projectile speed
Rare +?% more damage, +?% projectile speed
Epic +?% more damage, +?% projectile speed
Legendary +8% more damage, +13% projectile speed
Event Introduced In Gatling Monday - November 19 - 21, 2018

Training info[ | ]

Level Captain level Captain xp Training time Training time (VIP) Sugar Talent
1 4 15 xp 3min (Speed up for Free) 2min 24sec (Speed up for Free) Free Damage boost for Gatling Gun. 2 points more damage.
2 4 25 xp 15min 12min 12,500 Increases Gatling Gun range by 1.
3 5 50 xp 1h 48min 21,500 Damage boost for Gatling Gun. 4 points more damage.
4 7 22,500 Gatling Gun has shorter reload time. -5% to cooldown.
5 8 300 xp 6h 4h 48min 24500 Increases Gatling Gun range by 1.
6 10 Damage boost for Gatling Gun. 5% more damage.
7 12 800 xp 14h 11h 12min 71,000 Damage boost for Gatling Gun. 5% more damage.
8 14 Gatling Gun has shorter reload time. -5% to cooldown.
9 15 1200 xp 22h 17h 36min 132,000 Damage boost for Gatling Gun. 5% more damage.
10 15 2100 xp 1d 14h 1d 6h 24min 196,000 Increases Gatling Gun range by 1.
11 15 2200 xp 1d 16h 1d 8h 216,000 Damage boost for Gatling Gun. 5% more damage.
12 15 2200 xp 1d 17h 1d 8h 48min 248,000 Gatling Gun has shorter reload time. -5% to cooldown.
13 15 2300 xp 1d 19h 1d 10h 24min 385,000 Damage boost for Gatling Gun. 5% more damage.
14 15 2400 xp 1d 21h 1d 12h 470,000 Damage boost for Gatling Gun. 5% more damage.
15 15 2500 xp 1d 23h 1d 13h 36min 525,000 Gatling Gun has shorter reload time. -5% to cooldown.
16 15 2700 xp 2d 2h 1d 16h 750,000 Increases Gatling Gun range by 5%.
17 15 Damage boost for Gatling Gun. 5% more damage.
18 15 Gatling Gun has shorter reload time. -5% to cooldown.
19 15 3200 xp 2d 12h 2d 1,115,000 Increases Gatling Gun range by 5%.
20 15 3500 xp 2d 16h 2d 3h 12min 1,500,000 Damage boost for Gatling Gun. 5% more damage.
21 15 3700 xp 2d 20h 2d 6h 24min 1,645,000 Gatling Gun has shorter reload time. -5% to cooldown.
22 15 3900 xp 3d 2d 9h 36min 1,850,000 Damage boost for Gatling Gun. 5% more damage.
Total Damage 6+45%, cooldown -30%, range 2+10%.

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