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Sniper Cannon
Sniper CannonItem
Slot Red1
Cooldown 11.1s
Range 40
Projectile Speed 44
Critical Hit Chance 5.0%
Description This formidable cannon fires accelerated projectiles with considerable range and accuracy.

Sniper Cannon is a point damage weapon with high critical chance and range. Like other cannons, it gains bonus damage against burning targets through perks and talents. Compared to similar 1 slot point cannons like Cannon and Blast Cannon, Sniper Cannon boasts the longest range highest projectile speed, and highest base critical chance. It shares the same base cooldown as Blast Cannon. However, its base damage is low - therefore its DPS is the lowest of the three cannons.

How to build[ | ]

The sniper cannon has 10% critical chance and 250% critical damage when talents have been sufficiently trained. A popular way to take advantage of these abilities is to fit perks boosting critical chance. With 3 rare sniper critical chance perks, a 25% critical chance is possible. The high critical chance combined with the high critical damage multiplier allows the sniper cannon to deal waves of high damage from afar with little way to dodge its fast projectiles.

Before the 4.0 update, Sniper Cannon received a majority of its talents from Bhurt.

Perks[ | ]

The following perks are applicable to all cannons:

Cannon Damage
Uncommon +3%
Rare +5%
Epic +8%
Damage to Burning Targets
Uncommon +4.5%
Rare +9%
Epic +12%
Cannon Critical Hit Chance
Uncommon +1.5%
Rare +3%
Epic +4.5%
Cannon Critical Hit Damage
Uncommon +10%
Rare +15%
Epic +20%

The following perk is exclusive to Sniper Cannon:

Sniper Cannon Critical Hit Chance
Uncommon +2.5%
Rare +5%
Epic +7.5%

The following event perks are applicable to all cannons:

"Speedy" Cannon Damage
Uncommon +3% more damage, +?% projectile speed
Rare +6% more damage, +7.5% projectile speed
Epic +8% more damage, +10% projectile speed
Legendary +8% more damage, +13% projectile speed
Event Introduced In Team Deathmatch - May 24 - 28, 2018
"Chill" Cannon Damage
Uncommon +3% more damage, +10% chance to freeze the target
Rare +6% more damage, +?% chance to freeze the target
Epic +8% more damage, +20% chance to freeze the target
Legendary +8% more damage, +25% chance to freeze the target
Event Introduced In Boosted TDM - June 8 - 11, 2018
"Reach" Cannon Damage
Uncommon +3% more damage, +?% more range
Rare +6% more damage, +?% more range
Epic +8% more damage, +?% more range
Legendary +8% more damage, +12% more range
Event Introduced In Capture the Flag - July 26 - 29, 2018
"Strike" Cannon Critical Hit Damage
Uncommon +1.5% chance to critically strike, +?% more damage
Rare +3% chance to critically strike, +5% more damage
Epic +4.5% chance to critically strike, +?% more damage
Legendary +4.5% chance to critically strike, +8% more damage
Event Introduced In Capture the Flag - August 3 - 6, 2018
"Scorch" Cannon Cooldown
Uncommon -4% to cooldown, +4% more damage to burning enemies
Rare -6% to cooldown, +6% more damage to burning enemies
Epic -?% to cooldown, +?% more damage to burning enemies
Legendary -8% to cooldown, +10% more damage to burning enemies
Event Introduced In Crazy Cannons - April 22 (13:00 UTC) - 24 (17:00 UTC), 2019

The following event perks are exclusive to Sniper Cannon:

"Quickshot" Fire Damage
Uncommon +?% more damage to burning enemies, -?% to cooldown
Rare +?% more damage to burning enemies, -?% to cooldown
Epic +?% more damage to burning enemies, -?% to cooldown
Legendary +12% more damage to burning enemies, -8% to cooldown
Event Introduced In Sniper Saturday - November 17 - 19, 2018
"Quickshot" Sniper Damage
Uncommon +?% more damage, -?% to cooldown
Rare +?% more damage, -?% to cooldown
Epic +?% more damage, -?% to cooldown
Legendary +6% more damage, -8% to cooldown
Event Introduced In Sniper Cannon Thursday - March 1 (02:00 UTC) - 3 (06:00 UTC), 2019

Training info[ | ]

Level Captain level Captain xp Training time Training time (VIP) Sugar Talent
1 4 15 xp 3min 2min 24s 8500 Damage boost for Sniper Cannon. 5 points more damage.
2 4 20 xp 10min 8min 9000 Sniper Cannon deals 5% more damage to targets that are burning.
3 4 40xp 30min 24min 17,500 Increases Sniper Cannon range by 3.
4 5 50 xp 1h 48min 21,500 Damage boost for Sniper Cannon. 10 points more damage.
5 6 22,500 Sniper Cannon has 10% faster projectiles.
6 8 Damage boost for Sniper Cannon. 5% more damage.
7 9 400 xp 8h 6h 24min 33,000 Damage boost for Sniper Cannon. 5% more damage.
8 10 600 xp 10h 8h 47,000 Sniper Cannon has 5% bigger chance to critically damage a target.
9 12 800 xp 14h 11h 12min 71,000 Damage boost for Sniper Cannon. 5% more damage.
10 13 900 xp 16h 12h 48min 74,000 Damage boost for Sniper Cannon. 5% more damage.
11 14 1000 xp 18h 14h 24min 80,000 Sniper Cannon deals 5% more damage to targets that are burning.
12 15 1200 xp 22h 17h 36min 132,000 Sniper Cannon has 5% bigger chance to critically damage a target.
13 15 1300 xp 1d 19h 12min 170,000 Increases Sniper Cannon range by 3%.
14 15 2100 xp 1d 14h 1d 6h 24min 196,000 Sniper Cannon critical hit damage increased by 25%.
15 15 2200 xp 1d 16h 1d 8h 216,000 Sniper Cannon has 10% faster projectiles.
16 15 2200 xp 1d 17h 1d 8h 48min 248,000 Sniper Cannon critical hit damage increased by 25%.
17 15 2300 xp 1d 19h 1d 10h 24min 385,000 Sniper Cannon deals 5% more damage to targets that are burning.
18 15 2400 xp 1d 20h 1d 11h 12min 445,000 Increases Sniper Cannon range by 3%.
19 15 2400 xp 1d 21h 1d 12h 470,000 Damage boost for Sniper Cannon. 2% more damage.
20 15 2500 xp 1d 23h 1d 13h 36min 525,000 Sniper Cannon deals 5% more damage to targets that are burning.
21 15 2600 xp 2d 1d 14h 24min 620,000 Damage boost for Sniper Cannon. 2% more damage.
22 15 2700 xp 2d 2h 1d 16h 750,000 Sniper Cannon has 10% faster projectiles.
23 15 2900 xp 2d 6h 1d 19h 12min 920,000 Damage boost for Sniper Cannon. 10% more damage.
24 15 3000 xp 2d 8h 1d 20h 48min 940,000 Increases Sniper Cannon range by 5%.
25 15 3100 xp 2d 10h 1d 22h 24min 990,000 Damage boost for Sniper Cannon. 10% more damage.
26 15 3300 xp 2d 14h 2d 1h 36min 1,310,000 Damage boost for Sniper Cannon. 5% more damage.
27 15 3500 xp 2d 16h 2d 3h 12min 1,500,000 Sniper Cannon deals 5% more damage to targets that are burning.
28 15 3600 xp 2d 18h 2d 4h 48min 1,605,000 Damage boost for Sniper Cannon. 5% more damage.
29 15 3800 xp 2d 22h 2d 8h 1,695,000 Sniper Cannon has 10% faster projectiles.
30 15 3900 xp 3d 2d 9h 36min 1,850,000 Damage boost for Sniper Cannon. 5% more damage.
Total Damage 15+59%, range 3+11%, projectile speed +40%, crit chance +10%, crit damage +50%, damage to burning target +25%.

Patch history[ | ]

Level 1: -7.4% damage

Level 10: -5.3% damage

Level 20: -3.6% damage

Level 30: -2.1% damage

Level 40: -0.9% damage

Strategies[ | ]

The Sniper Cannon is very perk dependent. Without at least a rare critical chance perk, the Sniper Cannon will under perform other cannons at similar levels. However, the Sniper Cannon has an exclusive set of critical hit chance perks that are higher than the standard cannon critical hit perk. With all the sniper critical perks and talents, an epic sniper with 4 perk slots can reach 45% critical chance. However, it is up to your own discretion how you build your Sniper Cannons.

Sniper Cannons have among the longest ranges of all red items, which allows you to lock on to ships that are outside of your view range. If a friendly Speeder is able to scout the enemy team you are able to target them without them knowing your exact location. The huge range also allows you to finish off enemy ships that are on low hp, but at longer ranges it is advisable to lead your shots rather than tap-fire, especially if they're travelling perpendicular to you.

Even though it isn't advisable to equip the damage against burning ships perk, with a high enough talent training, damage against burning ships talent can be unlocked. And if it is done, it is advisable to hit burning targets for the slight increase in damage.

Gallery[ | ]
